Club Rules
Rules of the Three Spires Bowling and Sports Club
(Revised 2022)
- Authority
The Articles of Association of Three Spires Bowling and Sports Club Limited, parent body of the Club, state (article 7):
"The Directors shall delegate the management of the Club to a Committee or Committees and such Committee shall have power to adopt Rules for the Management and working of the Club."
The following revised Rules were accordingly adopted by the Management Committee on 1st November 2021 and subsequently endorsed by the Annual General Meeting of the Club on 15th March 2022 and by the Directors on 23rd March 2022.
- Object and Aims
The object of the Club is to provide facilities for and promote participation of the whole community in the sport of bowls, at all levels within the abilities of its Members at any one time, and for such other Sporting or Social activities as the Management Committee shall from time to time decide, bearing in mind the constraints imposed by the CASC legislation. The Club welcomes Coventry' s "Charter for Sports Clubs", the principles of which it will endeavour to implement in every way practicable.
- Information
A copy of these Rules, and of the Memorandum and Articles of the Company may be seen at the Clubhouse or on the Club’s website.
Rules of the Club
- Organisation
- Officers
The Club shall have the following Officers: President, Secretary, Treasurer, Men's Captain, Ladies' Captain, Men's Match Secretary, Ladies' Match Secretary, Competitions Secretary, IT Officer, Green Co-ordinator, Bowls Development Officer and Bar Manager. - Committee
The Officers shall comprise the Management Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee), all of whom shall resign annually, but be eligible for re-election, by vote or ballot at the Annual General Meeting. - Representation
Every effort will be made to ensure that the Committee fairly represents a cross section of the membership. To achieve this, or to fill casual vacancies or for special needs, the Committee may co-opt additional Members to serve until the next AGM.
- Officers
- Committee Meetings
A meeting of the Committee shall be held monthly or at agreed intervals. Any seven members to form a quorum.
- Accounts
The Committee shall maintain proper Accounts in connection with the Club. Such Accounts to be incorporated in the Annual Accounts of Three Spires Bowling and Sports Club Limited which must comply with the requirements of Companies Acts legislation.
- Annual and Special General Meetings
- The Annual General Meeting of Members shall be held each year on the third Tuesday in January - 30 Members present to form a quorum.
- The Committee may convene a Special General Meeting at any time it deems necessary or advisable to do so. Upon receipt by the Secretary of a requisition for a Special General Meeting signed by ten members or one fifth of the members of the Club, whichever shall be the smaller, the Committee shall be bound to convene such a meeting within 28 days of the receipt of such requisition. At any Annual or Special General Meeting, 30 members shall be a quorum.
- Notice of Meeting
At least 14 clear days' notice of any General Meeting or Special General Meeting specifying the business to be transacted and the day, place and hour of meeting shall be posted in the Pavilion and the Clubhouse.
- Chairing and Conduct of Meetings
At all General and Special Meetings the chair shall be taken by the President. In the absence of the President the chair shall be taken by a Member of the Committee. Every full Bowling Member, Social Member and Honorary Life Member present shall have one vote except that in the event of an equality of votes the Chair shall have a casting vote. Voting by proxy shall not be permitted.
- Membership
- Membership of the Club shall be open to all persons irrespective of ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or beliefs; or of age, sex or disability except as a necessary consequence of the requirements of bowls as a particular sport. The Committee may refuse membership only for good and sufficient cause, such as conduct or character likely to bring the club or sport into disrepute. Appeal against such a decision may be made to the Club' s Members and decided by a majority vote.
- Members shall be either Full Bowling Members, Intermediate/Student Bowling Members, Junior Bowling Members, New Bowling Members, Social Members, Junior Social Members, Associate Members or Honorary Life Members. Junior Members (up to 18 years) shall have access to Club facilities subject to licensing restrictions but shall not introduce guests onto Club premises without express permission. Intermediate and Junior Bowling Members may enter for bowls games and competitions on equal terms with Full Bowling Members. Social Members, Associate Members and Junior Social Members shall be entitled to use the facilities of the Club but shall not be entitled to participate in bowling. New Bowling Membership will be offered for the member’s first season only – for subsequent seasons a New Bowling Member must renew membership in one of the other categories of membership. Honorary Life Members may be granted by a General Meeting of the Club, on the recommendation of the Committee, up to a maximum of 5% of total membership at the time.
- Application forms for Membership shall be received by the Bowls Development Officer, who will submit them to a Committee Meeting. Acceptance of the Application shall require a simple majority vote in favour and shall be subject to review after one year. The names of all new applicants will be displayed on the notice board for seven days.
- Subscriptions
The Committee shall determine each year the rates of subscription for each category of Membership and may fix a proportionate amount for any Member elected after part of the year has run. All subscriptions shall be payable to the Treasurer by 31st March each year. The Committee may also impose charges for the use of any property of the Club or participation in any activity. No Member shall be entitled to the use of the Club's facilities until all monies due from him or her to the Club have been paid.
- Guests
The Committee shall from time to time determine how many, how frequently and at what cost Guests may be invited. All Guests must be "signed in" by the inviting Member and the appropriate fee paid. Such fees and any other charge (including bar purchases) shall be paid by the inviting Member.
- Hours of Opening and Closing Premises
The hours of opening and closing the premises shall be fixed by the Committee.
- Licensed Refreshments
- The Club premises may be opened for the purpose of licensed refreshments during hours from time to time determined by the Committee in accordance with the provisions of the Licensing Acts.
- Intoxicating liquor shall not be supplied to Members on the Club premises other than by or on behalf of the Club.
- Any arrangement whereby any person receives, or is intended to receive, at the expense of the Club any commission, percentage or similar payment, on or with reference to the purchase of intoxicating liquor by the Club shall be absolutely prohibited.
- Any arrangement whereby any person derives or intended to derive directly or indirectly, any pecuniary benefit from the supply of intoxicating liquor by or on behalf of the Club to Members or Guests, apart from any benefit accruing to the Club as a whole and apart also from any benefit which a person derives indirectly by reason of the supply giving rise or contributing to a general gain from the carrying on of the Club, shall be absolutely prohibited.
- Use of Green
Dates and times for using the Green shall be decided by the Committee. No Member shall be allowed on the Green when it is in an unfit condition and it shall be left to the discretion of either the Men's Captain, Ladies' Captain, Green Co-ordinator or, in their absence, any Officer of the Club nominated by the Green Co-ordinator, to decide as to the condition of the Green for play.
- Children and Pets
Children and pets must be kept under control while on Club premises.
- Game of Bowls
The game of Bowls shall be played in accordance with the Rules of "Bowls England".
- Members Subject to Rules
Every Member shall be bound to adhere to the existing Rules and such Byelaws as the Committee may impose .
- Alteration to Rules
No Rules shall be altered or rescinded except at an Annual or Special General Meeting, and there must be a majority of two thirds of the Members present at such meeting in favour of the alteration, or cancellation proposed, otherwise it is not passed. Alteration or cancellation of any Rules must be approved by the Directors before they can become operative. Any suggestion as to addition or alteration of the Rules shall be sent to the Secretary twenty-one days previous to the Annual or Special General Meeting and such additions or alterations shall be included in the Agenda for the Meeting.
- Interpreters of Rules
The Committee shall be sole Interpreter of these Rules, and of any Bye-laws it may make, and from its decision there shall be no appeal.
- Emergency
The Committee shall have power to deal as it deems expedient in case of emergency with any matter not provided for in these Rules, always subject to the approval of the Directors if such matter concerns the Property of the Company.
- Paid Employees
The Committee shall not appoint any paid Employees except it has first obtained the consent of the Directors to do so.
- Property of the Company
No Member shall, without express permission from an Officer of the Club, take away, or permit to be taken away, from the Pavilion or other Premises of the Company, or shall injure or destroy any article of any kind which is the property of the Company. All breakages or destruction of the Company's property caused by a Member must be paid for by him or her.
- Members Private Property
All Bowls, Shoes or other property of Members, Guests of Members or Employees of the Company, which may be deposited in the Pavilion or upon any of the Company's premises, even if such property may have been placed within accommodation provided and charged for by the Company, or by the Committee, shall be entirely at the Owner's risk.
- Resignation
Any Member wishing to withdraw from the Club shall signify his/her intention to do so in writing. Any Member having failed to pay his/her subscription for one year shall be deemed to have resigned from the Club.
- Complaints and suggestions
- Complaints involving misconduct by a Member
Any person wishing to make a complaint involving misconduct by a Member must do so in writing to the President of the Club. The President will ensure that the complaint is dealt with in accordance with Bowls England Regulation 9. - Complaints not involving misconduct by a Member or suggestions for improvement
If any Member has a complaint not involving misconduct by a Member or has a suggestion for improvement of the club, he or she should in the first instance contact the Secretary, who, if unable to resolve or rectify the issue, should bring it before the next meeting of the Committee.
- Complaints involving misconduct by a Member
- Not for Profit Clause
The Income and Property of the Club shall be applied solely towards promoting the Club's objects as set forth in these Rules and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly, to the Members of the Club.
- Dissolution Clause
In the event of the dissolution of the Club, any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall not be paid or distributed among the Members of the Club, but shall be given or transferred to one or more of the following approved sporting or charitable bodies:- A registered charitable organisation or organisations.
- Another Club which is a registered CASC.
- The sport’s national governing body for use by them for related community sports.